Are you pregnant and looking for professional support through your pregnancy and birth? My today’s blog post is right for you. I had a chance to speak with Kacy Harker, prenatal and birth doula, behind Durham Doula NC. In our interview, Kacy shared her passion for helping families have positive birth experiences as well as some of the challenges she’s faced in her work. She has been working as a doula for over six years and has helped countless women have positive birthing experiences. Read on to learn more about Kacy and her work as a Durham doula NC.
Choose Durham Doula for your Pregnancy journey!
How did you become a doula?
After I gave birth to my second child with the support of a doula I knew it was something I felt called to do. It took me a few years after the birth of my son to actually trust myself that it could be something I would be good at. I will never forget a conversation I had with a dear friend who I told that I’d actually like to pursue a career as a doula. She asked me if I’d like to “try it out” as she was pregnant with her second. I was so excited to take on that role and see if this was something real or just a dream. Fast forward, her birth was transformative for me. It was beautiful and perfect, and I felt a confidence and passion I never had before! Shortly thereafter I signed up for DONA birth doula training.
What’s your favorite thing about being a Durham Doula NC?
SO many things! Supporting birthing people through the pregnancy, labor, and birth they desire, educating and advocating for evidence-based births, the relationships that are formed, witnessing parents meet their new baby, it’s just the most magical job!
What’s the most challenging part of being a doula?
Being on call. One of the last great mysteries of the world is…when’s that baby going to come? It’s sometimes hard to juggle life while also making sure you are able to drop everything at a moment’s notice when a baby decides they are ready. And sleep deprivation. That’s rough.
How long have you been a Durham Doula NC? What kind of experience have you gained in this field?
My story as Durham Doula NC started 6 years ago. The passion I have is the same but the experience is truly the most helpful. I have attended all kinds of births in most hospitals and birth centers in the Triangle area. Working with different families with very different preferences and providers has given me so much opportunity to learn and better support my clients.
Durham Doula NC philosophy – Your birth, your way!
Do you provide lactation support as a part of Durham Doula NC services?
I provide as much lactation support as my training allows. I have breastfed 2 babies and also taken a course on lactation. I am happy to help with all that I can and also know when an IBLC is needed and can provide support that is out of my scope.
What is the strangest request as a doula have you ever had?
Hmmm….I would say there have been some strange requests, but I also would never want a birthing person to ever feel “odd” or “different” or “strange” so I take things that some may feel out of the ordinary and go with it! My philosophy is “Your birth, your way.”
Do you think having a doula is necessary for all pregnant women and new mothers?
I know a person can absolutely birth without a doula. I also think a pregnant person can more likely have the pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum that they desire MUCH more effectively with a doula (birth and postpartum)
Durham Doula NC
Do you have kids of your own? If so, what was their birth story?
Yes! I have two kids, a 12 and 8-year-old. My labors and deliveries were very very different, but I would not change a thing about either one. They happened exactly as my body and my baby needed at the time, and I am grateful to be able to have first-hand experience knowing how it feels to labor with and without medication.
My first pregnancy.
It overall went very smoothly. My husband and I took a hospital birth class and checked all the boxes of things my OB practice told me to do to prep for birth. My contractions came on around dinner and we went to the hospital in the middle of the night. Looking back I was definitely not far enough along to go to the hospital, but I didn’t know any better! When I arrived my contractions slowed way down so my OB suggested Pitocin. I labored with Pitocin through the day but was getting very overwhelmed by my contractions, nervous about how much harder it was getting, and very very tired. I decided to get an epidural and it was lovely! I got some sleep, woke up, and after about 2 hours of pushing my baby girl was born at 6:50 pm, and on my due date!
My second pregnancy.
Due to a previously undetected genetic disease my daughter had at birth, I was placed in the high-risk category with my second pregnancy. In the years between my pregnancies, I became increasingly interested in all things pregnancy/labor/birth. I prepped for my second birth much differently. My husband and I hired a doula, we took a much more comprehensive birth class. I researched more about evidence-based labor and delivery. I read several books and talked to people about their positive birth stories. I went into labor (9 days after my due date) around dinner again. I tried to ignore contractions as much as possible, get my daughter to bed, and then called my doula. We made a plan to rest and be in touch. When I could no longer breathe effectively through my contractions I got into the bath and my husband called to let our doula know we were ready for her to come over. She helped me labor at home for a couple more hours. We made our way to the hospital and I was 5 cm around 5 am. I felt slightly disappointed, I was hoping to be farther along. My doula and husband reminded me that I was progressing and doing great and my baby was coming. Well much to my surprise 2 hours and 2 pushes later, my little guy was born! He was healthy as could be and I had truly never been so proud of myself.
Would you like to add any more information for moms?
Advice from your Durham Doula NC – if you are able to give yourself the gift of birth support, do it! I know it can be hard financially but I truly think it is worth every penny.
Why pregnant women should consider hiring Durham Doula NC?
Kacy is a wonderful doula with plenty of experience and knowledge to support you through your pregnancy and labor. If you’re looking for someone who can provide emotional and physical support during one of the most important times in your life, then be sure to check out the Durham Doula NC website. You’ll find all the information you need about hiring Kacy’s services, as well as testimonials from previous clients.
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